This is a guide of instructions on how to place an order with My Baskets on the website.
Visit our secure online shopping service at and it will prompt you to the main navigation page with numerous options, categories and collections to choose from.
Select the proper category that you need for any occasion (baby baskets, gourmet baskets, birthday baskets, flowers, etc)
After selecting a category (for this example - birthday), and you click on this tab, it will open the collection page filled with birthday gift options.
You will be able to browse through all of these gift baskets and select the one you like best for the recipient. When you find the basket you like, you can click on the basket image and it will bring you to the product page (screenshot seen below).
There is also an option to add additional items such as a wine bottle, plush, balloon, coffee, etc to the basket. You can do this by clicking on the options on the right of the basket and selecting your choice for addition.
On this product page, below ADD TO CART you will be able to view descriptions of all the items that are inside of the basket.
Once your selection is finalized, click the ADD TO CART button.
This brings you to the next step, the shopping cart page (screenshot below). Here you can review your order of items selected, and begin the next process.
Firstly, you must choose your delivery date. Do so by clicking under ‘Delivery Date Choose Here’ which will prompt a mini calendar for you to make your selection.
This leads you to the checkout page (screenshot below).
Here you will input your email address (the person placing the order) to receive all notifications and delivery confirmation emails.
Fill out the delivery address with as much thorough information as possible (full street name and number, apartment/condo suite number, business name if necessary, PHONE NUMBER etc).
Based on the shipping address, it will provide you with shipping methods to choose from. If the delivery address is in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area, you can select Same Day Delivery before 11am EST. Any orders after this time in these areas, you can select Next Business Day. If the basket is going outside the Toronto area, or outside the Ontario province there are shipping methods to choose from (1-3 business days, 4-6 business days or Express).
You can then input the billing address you would like to have included on the invoice (the person placing the order, or the business that the order is being placed for).
After this is completed, select your payment method via any credit card, Paypal or Google Pay. If you are paying with credit card, fill out number, exp date billing addres, then click PAY NOW.
Once the order is complete click PAY NOW and it will process. You should receive an email confirmation right away after the order is completed. You will be able to verify all the information is correct, in which it will then be processed for delivery.
When you purchase a gift from My Baskets, you are investing in your peace of mind and in a stress-free way of gift giving. Our company’s philosophy is one of uncompromising honesty and integrity. Trust that your gift basket will arrive on time and will look exactly as advertised. We take your confidence in us seriously and we strive everyday to ensure your friends and family are astonished by what they receive on your behalf. Scroll through our customer reviews to see our dedication and commitment in action!
The brand My Baskets was established in 2014 by two entrepreneurs who have been building e-commerce businesses since 1995. My Baskets headquarters is currently located in Concord (part of Toronto GTA), Ontario. We were selected by Globe and Mail as one of Canada’s top growing companies for 4 years in a row (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024). Today we offer over 530 gift options, and we continue to grow!
Our mission has always been to provide the very best gift baskets and premium gift items to celebrate any occasion. We pride ourselves on providing great customer service and reliable same day delivery. On our website you can browse a wide variety of quality gifts and premium collections.